Sticky, Spicy, Sweet Maille Honey Balsamic Dijon Cocktail Sausages with Fresh Herbs recipes

Sticky, Spicy, Sweet Maille Honey Balsamic Dijon Cocktail Sausages with Fresh Herbs recipes

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Maille Honey Balsamic Sausages SmallAs I mentioned before, in the last weeks before we left London, we were overwhelmed by packing.  Can we import this?  Should we bother importing this?  I’m very indecisive, so choice is a true torture for me.  Thankfully, the moving company had offered me no choice about one thing.  Don’t pack alcohol, they told us, it could delay your stuff for months.

In London every possible occasion had meant that we became the recipient of some bottle of alcohol.  Bottles of wine from my boss for the holidays.  Bottles of champagne from our engagement.  Even a bottle of Jonny Walker Blue that we inherited for hosting an Opening Ceremony party.  We had them stacked on bookshelves in the kitchen.  And so in the spirit of waste not want not, we had a liquor cabinet party down in the garden of our London apartment one early summer evening.  It was a very plastic-cups affair, everyone showed up, and by midnight, all our beautiful bottles were reduced to recycling.

While I’m not a big drinker (that night I dribbled some crème de pêche I’d picked up in Paris into my sparkling water for my usual almost-virgin Kir Royale), I am a big eater, and the idea of a party without food just isn’t a party for me.  I had some jars of Maille mustard that I also wanted to use up before the move.

I’ve been SAVING this recipe since June until I could announce that finally, my favorite jar of Maille mustard, the Honey Balsamic Dijon, is available in the US.  Maille makes a phenomenal, smooth, spicy honey mustard, and this balsamic version has a bit more sweet-tart complexity from the vinegar.  But my favorite part is its gorgeous near-black color.  A stunner.  I love it in sandwiches, of course, and in vinaigrettes, but I think it is particularly wonderful in marinades and glazes.

Britain makes wonderful sausages, and they even make very gourmet cocktail-sized versions.  I threw together a two-second glaze of Maille Honey Balsamic Dijon mustard, Maille old-fashioned whole grain mustard for texture, honey for sweet glazing thickness and to emphasize the sweetness in the mustard, fresh thyme and rosemary, and salt.  Toss the sausages in the mustards and honey, spread on a parchment-lined baking sheet, and broil, turning once.  It is so easy.  The honey caramelizes and gets sticky, and the mustards stay bright and spicy and slightly acidic.  I threw them all into a bowl with some cocktail sticks and a sprinkling of more fresh herbs, and they were by far everyone’s favorite of the night, gone long before the wine and whisky.

Maille_Honey Dijon with Balsamic Vinegar of Modena

You can buy Maille Honey Dijon with Balsamic Vinegar of Modena online.

Sticky, Spicy, Sweet Maille Honey Balsamic Dijon Cocktail Sausages with Fresh Herbs

serves a crowd of 15

  • 2.5 pounds good quality fresh cocktail sausages
  • 1/4 cup Maille Honey Balsamic Dijon mustard
  • 1 tablespoon Maille whole grain mustard
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh herbs — thyme, rosemary
  • Salt

Preheat the broiler and place the oven rack in the top third of the oven.  Pat the sausages dry with paper towel.  In a large bowl, whisk together the other ingredients.  Add the sausages and toss to coat.  Arrange in a single layer on a parchment-lined rimmed baking sheet.  (You may want to line the baking sheet with foil first—the honey caramelizes and foil will make cleaning up a lot easier.)  Broil for about 10 minutes, until burnished and crisp.  Shake around and broil another 2 minutes.  Serve hot!print this recipe

As I mentioned before, in the last weeks before we left London, we were overwhelmed by packing.  Can we import this?  Should we bother importing this?  I’m very indecisive, so choice is a true torture for me.  Thankfully, the moving company had offered me no choice about one thing.  Don’t pack alcohol, they told us, it could delay your stuff for months. In London every possible occasion had meant that we became the recipient of some bottle of alcohol.  Bottles of wine from my boss for the holidays.  Bottles of champagne from our engagement.  Even a bottle of Jonny Walker Blue that we inherited for hosting an Opening Ceremony party.  We had them stacked on bookshelves in the kitchen.  And so in the spirit of waste not want not, we had a liquor cabinet party down in the garden of our London apartment one early summer evening.  It was a very plastic-cups affair, everyone showed up, and by midnight, all our beautiful bottles were reduced to recycling. While I’m not a big drinker (that night I dribbled some crème de pêche I’d picked up in Paris into my sparkling water for my usual almost-virgin Kir Royale), I am a big eater, and the idea of a party without food just isn’t a party for me.  I had some jars of Maille mustard that I also wanted to use up before the move. I’ve been SAVING this recipe since June until I could announce that finally, my favorite jar of Maille mustard, the Honey Balsamic Dijon, is available in the US.  Maille makes a phenomenal, smooth, spicy honey mustard, and this balsamic version has a bit more sweet-tart complexity from the vinegar.  But my favorite part is its gorgeous near-black color.  A stunner.  I love it in sandwiches, of course, and in vinaigrettes, but I think it is particularly wonderful in marinades and glazes. Britain makes wonderful sausages, and they even make very gourmet cocktail-sized versions.  I threw together a two-second glaze of Maille Honey Balsamic Dijon mustard, Maille old-fashioned whole grain mustard for texture, honey for sweet glazing thickness and to emphasize the sweetness in the mustard, fresh thyme and rosemary, and salt.  Toss the sausages in the mustards and honey, spread on a parchment-lined baking sheet, and broil, turning once.  It is so easy.  The honey caramelizes and gets sticky, and the mustards stay bright and spicy and slightly acidic.  I threw them all into a bowl with some cocktail sticks and a sprinkling of more fresh herbs, and they were by far everyone’s favorite of the night, gone long before the wine and whisky. You can buy Maille Honey Dijon with Balsamic Vinegar of Modena online. Sticky, Spicy, Sweet Maille Honey Balsamic Dijon Cocktail Sausages with Fresh Herbsserves a crowd of 15 2.5 pounds good quality fresh cocktail sausages 1/4 cup Maille Honey Balsamic Dijon mustard 1 tablespoon Maille whole grain mustard 2 tablespoons honey 1 tablespoon chopped fresh herbs — thyme, rosemary Salt Preheat the broiler and place the oven rack in the top third of the oven.  Pat the sausages dry with paper towel.  In a large bowl, whisk together the other ingredients.  Add the sausages and toss to coat.  Arrange in a single layer on a parchment-lined rimmed baking sheet.  (You may want to line the baking sheet with foil first—the honey caramelizes and foil will make cleaning up a lot easier.)  Broil for about 10 minutes, until burnished and crisp.  Shake around and broil another 2 minutes.  Serve hot!print this recipe
Sticky, Spicy, Sweet Maille Honey Balsamic Dijon Cocktail Sausages with Fresh Herbs recipes

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